We list here the latest 7 Days To Die servers by date of registration on the ranking. They are ranked from the most recent to the oldest.
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[UK]Official Divergent Server - 7 Days to Die Join our community in a dynamic world! Team up to survive, build, and craft against the undead. Friendly admins and events await! Gather your friends...
Join the German Zomboids 7 Days to Die server! No merchant zone PvP, discrimination, bugs, or cheats (perma-ban). 5-min camp near enemies. IP: Mods server-side. v1.1 Beta in steam
hallo guys
Create your ideal game server with 7 Days to Die Server Hosting by setting your own game rules. Customize your server settings, install mods, and invite your friends to take on the zombie...
Darkness Falls, it's not for the faint-hearted. So, if you fancy something different than your regular vanilla 7 Days To Die servers, give Salty Zombies Darkness Falls Server.