Easily find a Conan Exiles server on Top-Games thanks to our Conan Exiles server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the Exiled Lands, you'll find a welcoming and supportive environment here. Our server is built on the principles of fairness, cooperation, and fun!
Hello! New server RP-PVP in exiled map !
An (E)RP based servercluster of several servers. Savage Sapphire Siptah Exiled
The RP-PVP map of our Erotic Sin server cluster. Savage is a brutal challenging map
The most popular real PVE-C server. A Vanilla+ server with very light mods and active admins that support free speech.
x10 rates PvE server with mods
The Saga is an adult-only (+18) Role-play (RP) server focused on high fantasy with creatures and entities inspired by D&D and Conan Lore.
Thoth-Amon’s Land RP/PVE: A Conan Lore Compliant Server set in Savage Wilds
Exiled Legends è un server di gioco di ruolo (roleplay) ambientato nell'universo selvaggio e brutale di Conan Exiles.
Beyond the Road of Kings is a strict Robert E. Howard roleplay server using the excellent Savage Wilds map to represent areas of Argos, the Barachan Isle, Akhet Isle in Stygia, Shem, Nordheim and...