Let the chance choose for you, and discover random Conan Exiles servers classified randomly by our hands.
Serveur Officiel du mod Exiles Skyrim
The most popular real PVE-C server. A Vanilla+ server with very light mods and active admins that support free speech.
[Eu] *PvP\E* | *Gathering resources, experience x2* | *no drop on death* | *player not in world while logged out* | *No Wipe* | *Adult 18+* | ~ Join us on Discord for more information. Have a good...
The RP map of our Erotic Sin server cluster. Sapphire is large and beautiful
The Saga is an adult-only (+18) Role-play (RP) server focused on high fantasy with creatures and entities inspired by D&D and Conan Lore.
Hello! New server RP-PVP in exiled map !
Welcome to our PVE Servers! Dive into a unique adventure across multiple servers with 2x Harvest Rates and 2x XP Gain. Our active admins ensure a friendly and engaging community.
Moontide Exiled / Siptah, Server transfer enabled, no ping to allow ppl from all over to play, no decay, no wipe, x3 xp for fast startup and Harvest varies according to the moon phase from 1x-6x.
The settings are set officially or one level harder for the long-term factor. For extended gaming fun, we have set the settings so that they are as close to reality as possible.