
The Elder Lands

Conan Exiles server

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This server is archived because it has been inactive for too long.

Server Characteristics

14 votes
1800 clicks

Server with public access


RP server, fantasy based. You can rp as several races, a main town is settled with vendors, quests, travelling system for fast rp travels in these lands. As well, a newbie area to start !

Kits for races, building, boost level 30... 
Races : Human, elf, ork, teifling, dwarf, goblin...

All you do in game, is RP. Global chat is for casual talking, OOC. Local chat is IC !

Admins are available to answer your questions :)

Lore :
An ancient race of elves, long since departed under mysterious circumstances, built upon this series of islands a millennia ago, showing an advanced knowledge of architecture, civics and magic. As an unusual storm forms off the coast, sailors and travelers previously unaware of the uncharted islands find themselves ungracefully stranded, the remnants of their old lives lost to the swirling waters. Perhaps these new arrivals will find a way to avert the fate of their elven predecessors? Perhaps they will discover ancient secrets, and harness their power to turn back the tides of fate? Or, perhaps, like those that came before, they will leave only a trace of their legacy upon the cursed bedrock of this land.

The Elder Lands is a D&D inspired setting on a set of isolated islands that borders on the edges of the material plane. A variety of fantastical races explore a rich, history filled world in a desperate attempt at survival. In time, they may be able to harness the powers of collaboration and cooperation, building a civilization that dwarfs that of their forebears. Alternatively, a future of warfare and struggle seems as likely as not.

Only you can chart your course between the ancient isles... May your choices fare better than those before you.


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