
[UK-FR-DE-EU] GosuRabbit.com - PvE-C - House of the Rabbit - XP & Gathering x3

Conan Exiles server

Server page

This server is archived because it has been inactive for too long.

Server Characteristics

0 votes
2508 clicks

Server with public access


GosuRabbit server is:

- 24/7 PvP "everywhere"

- SafeZone for New players/Clans

- PvB on Sundays, from 8:30 pm to 11:30 pm - With diplomatic restrictions (you have to declare war on Discord to attack)

- Big hardware for 40 players:

Ryzen 3600X 8 cores OC 4 Ghz

64 Gb Ram

480 Gbps network

Tickrate 90 for a smoothgame


Server rules available on discord


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