
Valkyrian Island

Conan Exiles server

Server page

This server is archived because it has been inactive for too long.

Server Characteristics

0 votes
1700 clicks

Server with public access



"Exiled Lands"

"Isle of Siptah"

"Savage Wilds"

"Valkyrian Market"

"4 Arena Server with custome Bosses"

"*All maps are connected and we recomand to start on Valkyrian Lands [Exiled Lands]*"


"" 1-Player Arena

"" 2-Player Arena

"" 4-Player Arena

"" 6-Player Arena

"" Valkyrian Island

"" Valkyrian Wilds

"" Valkyrian Market

"" Valkyrian Lands


- Pippi - Dudes Delightful Decorations - Northern Timber - Immersive Armor - Fashonist - Exiles Extreme - Barbaric Barber - The Age of Calamiteous - EEWA - Hoav's UI Mod - Stacksize Plus - LBPR - Pickup+ - Our Own Server Mod

General Info:

+ No Wipe + No Decay + No building damage + PVP active all time + Modular Weapon System (over 9000 combinations) + Custome Map + Conquest System + Server Cluster + Custome Pets + Custome Level Curve + Custome Attribute System + Custome Tools + Custome Props + Dual wielded Weapons for most Vanilla Swords + and more

Server Settings:

- Harvest Rate: 2.0 - XP Rate : 2.0
[Because of cusome XP/Attribute System this rate wont feel to low]
- Prolonged Day - Shorten Night


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