
Chernarus Hardcore PvE | Vanilla | EN/CZ/SK

Dayz server

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1 votes
330 clicks

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Server with public access


The server has a lore-friendly hardcore PvE environment, based on different play styles. The general loot economy is reduced to bring the logic of a post-apocalyptic world. Every player is naturally directed to hunt animals, gather fruit, or cook vegetables instead of relying on gathering very rare food cans. Amount of zombies, dynamic gas strikes, and predatory animals (bears and wolves) are increased for the authentic fear factor while moving across the Chernarus. Vehicles are available, but they are not ready to drive, a player must put them together.

The whole concept of hardcore is not meant to make players stutter, but to prolong the process of reaching their goals instead. It's designed for players, who enjoy the game as it should be, and not just an easy grind. Feel free to join, and have fun. 


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