Easily find a Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our Dayz server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
RP server with a growing community and active admins. Primarily PvE/RP with KOS Zones. Drug running Cartel's to Chernarus PD; mercenaries and your survivalists can be found among the community....
Discord Raid Alarm Bitcoin Helis Keycards Koth Missions Treasures Airdrops Fridays 6 hour raid
Moded DayZ server, without traders
Наш сервер дотримується принципу модернізування ігрового процесу без втручання в основні механіки гри....
Server from the creator of BearIsland which is a DayZ map base on a location in Finland, with a lot of islands to explore.
1000x Livonia is a Spawn at Loot Shacks fast paced pvp console server
1000x is a fast paced kill on sight PVP server for Xbox
SurvivorZ open the 27 september , trader, ATM,heli,car, 300k ….. joint discord
A brand new custom 163 sq km map created only hosted by us for now. Based upon the isle of man, uk. Plenty to see and do here, easter egg hunt end game and plenty of poi.