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New Server , We need admins and players
We are a PVE server. We offer increased wildlife spawns and harder zombies. The Dark Horde and mutated animals roam the land. Modded fishing, salt and freshwater. Modded vehicles, heli's,...
The best Melkart server!! Full PVP, French/English Admin. Unique weapon mods, top quality vehicles, OneTap, Personal mapping, Trader, BBP+, RaidALERT KEYCARD. Evening boasts event. Complete...
Join Our Brand New HolyDayZ Server!
DANGER! Enter at your own risk! No liability is accepted for property damage or physical damage ;-)... have fun!
Map: Namalsk -Base Building, MMG Storage & Raiding features -better Gunplay -Vanilla setting -Group System -3 civilian guns
Hardcore Survival | Syberia | PVE | PVP Zones | Missions | AI | Skills | No Raid
Hardcore Vanilla server, just basics, basic trader, no map
Salutare, serverul este unul modat. O investite major de 1.000 de lire doar in moduri private. Va asteptam pe serverul nostru de discord.
Hardcore Survival Extensive medical system AI system based on the lore Skill system Many custom locations Lots of custom mechanics for an immersive experience First Person No traders No Gucci