Easily find a PVP Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our list of Dayz servers. Or just add your own for become famous!
Salutare, serverul este unul modat. O investite major de 1.000 de lire doar in moduri private. Va asteptam pe serverul nostru de discord.
Discord Raid Alarm Bitcoin Helis Keycards Koth Missions Treasures Airdrops Fridays 6 hour raid
Moded DayZ server, without traders
Start in Chernarus, then travel to Namalsk and back for more challenges and enhanced loot, Hardcore Survival, PvE with PvP locations, server/player traders, RaG, increased Infected and animal spawns
Server from the creator of BearIsland which is a DayZ map base on a location in Finland, with a lot of islands to explore.
1000x Livonia is a Spawn at Loot Shacks fast paced pvp console server
SurvivorZ open the 27 september , trader, ATM,heli,car, 300k ….. joint discord
Сервачок над яким я тужився багато часу та нервів ))) Сервак ПВП на якому є монстри, тварюки, боти, та усіляке...
We have a dedicated DeerIsland server for the best player experience. We have custom cloths, helicopters, buildings, and over 500 variants of vehicles from cars to tanks.