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Last Wipe : 17.05.2024 Map: Chernarus 1pp Full PVP Trader, Helis, Airdrops, KOTH, Lootchests, DNA Keycards, Robbable ATM‘s, Bunker, Toxic Zone, Many Cars, and Many more …
Testing server. Not accessible to public
Join Our Brand New HolyDayZ Server!
Benvenuto nel fantastico mondo di Imperius In questo server potrai divertirti con 26 Mod
Valning True PvE with Custom Missions! We are a relaxing play community with a semi easy economy and great people. We have alot of fun things going on at all times on the server. Come find out,...
High Loot, Koth, Airdrop, Loot Sectioned by Tier. Map Customised, custom loot table
events: koth/airdrops/helicrashes/(soon) keycards busy with it darkhorde mods:snafu weapons/morty...
Second Chance Server Is a PvP PvE Server with traders helis blackmarket and much more come check us out
Map: Namalsk -Base Building, MMG Storage & Raiding features -better Gunplay -Vanilla setting -Group System -3 civilian guns
Its a Full PVP Server