Easily find a Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our Dayz server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
Some of our key features: Events, Killfeed, Raid weekend, Airdrops, Special Airdrops, Build anywhere & infinite stammina, Base ping & Group System, Active Admins, Friendly Community,
AI-patrols, traders, airdrops, thrilling quests, expanded base building options, helicopters, unique vehicles, banking, personal storage, and much more!
Valning True PvE with Custom Missions! Valning is a beautiful map with alot of military bases and water surroundings. There is no Raiding here. Relax Play/Fun! We hold PvP Events/Races also!
Join Our Brand New HolyDayZ Server!
Join Our Thriving Community: Immergiti nella nostra Community, e parti per l'avventura, vi aspettiamo!
Immerse yourself in world with AI, vehicles, airdrops, kill rewards, collectible gold and silver, rare knives, and a trader plus system. Enjoy mutant animals and zombies with colored eyes
Valning True PvE with Custom Missions! We are a relaxing play community with a semi easy economy and great people. We have alot of fun things going on at all times on the server. Come find out,...
• More dangerous nights • Traders • BBP • Hunting (cryptids too), fishing, looting, gunrunning, farming, P2P trading, weed • Underground bases • Helis •...
Join to best PVP server.
This server will be perfect for people who want to PVP and also for people who want to Farm to get the best items in the game!