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Namalsk Vanilla+
New Server , We need admins and players
Some of our key features: Events, Killfeed, Raid weekend, Airdrops, Special Airdrops, Build anywhere & infinite stammina, Base ping & Group System, Active Admins, Friendly Community,
AI-patrols, traders, airdrops, thrilling quests, expanded base building options, helicopters, unique vehicles, banking, personal storage, and much more!
Last Wipe : 5.04.2024 Map: Alteria PVP with Quests, Trader, Helis, Airdrops, KOTH, Lootchests, DNA Keycards, Robbable ATM‘s, Bunker, Toxic Zone… Come,explore the new Map and become part of...
Join Our Thriving Community: Immergiti nella nostra Community, e parti per l'avventura, vi aspettiamo!
• More dangerous nights • Traders • BBP • Hunting (cryptids too), fishing, looting, gunrunning, farming, P2P trading, weed • Underground bases • Helis •...
Welcome to the 'haumvoi' DayZ server! For those wondering, 'haumvoi' is Bavarian for 'totally drunk.' So, if you're ready for some tipsy survival shenanigans in the apocalypse, grab your gear and...
Join to best PVP server.
This server will be perfect for people who want to PVP and also for people who want to Farm to get the best items in the game!