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Willkommen auf The Remak - Deine Tarkov-inspirierte DayZ-Welt!
-Expansion of traders with and without safezone. -Custom military -Koth,Airdrops -Custom Toxiczones -Door raid only available on weekends
simple server
1PP|Airdrops|Raiding|Custom Weapons|Basic Build Plus|Party Me|VPP Map|Melkart|
Rejoignez GolmonCity aujourd'hui et découvrez l'excitation d'une survie en constante évolution.
PDATR Forsaken Realm DNA keycards Mining ores Custom mods Bitcoin Trader World bosses Ai And so much more come hang out with us and Have some fun
Welcome to THP! Livonia HC 1pp Vanilla+. Immersive Gameplay in focus. Fresh wiped 20.08.2023. Codelock, MMG, GoreZ, CarCover, ZenNotes Adminteam with high activitiy.
We are a fast growing, immersive building, drama free DayZ RP Community.
We are a slightly modified vanilla server on Deer Isle
Work in Progress