Easily find a Roleplay Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our list of Dayz servers. Or just add your own for become famous!
New server, (PvP Zones /PvE) mods for weapons, clothes, building etc. Server still at the beginning, Join us in this great adventure.... come meet us...
RP server with a growing community and active admins. Primarily PvE/RP with KOS Zones. Drug running Cartel's to Chernarus PD; mercenaries and your survivalists can be found among the community....
All New Players are Welcome. 100k for New Player! PVE (80%) / PVEZ Server Chernarus Map with PVP Zones (20%) RedFalcon Flight System Heliz + Leaderboard Trader, ATM + Advanced Banking
???? Keep the Global chat in English. ???? No Duping, Hacking, Exploiting, Glitching or cheating. ???? The usage of multiple steam accounts to gain an advantage is forbidden.