Easily find a Vanilla Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our list of Dayz servers. Or just add your own for become famous!
This server will be online as long as I'm alive, even if it will be online for 2 years with 0 players {for the sake of the game}
This is my description! :)
DayZ Romania vanilla server survival , hardcore , pvp , pve , comunitate , dayz romania standalone server , dayz romania , dayz standalone ro , dayz sa romania , vanilla+ , vanillaplus , nomods
Namalsk Vanilla+
Some of our key features: Events, Killfeed, Raid weekend, Airdrops, Special Airdrops, Build anywhere & infinite stammina, Base ping & Group System, Active Admins, Friendly Community,
High FPS & Really good ping Cars Group system (5max) Loot Chests Heli Crashes Toxic Zones and just a lot more coming soon
Map: Namalsk -Base Building, MMG Storage & Raiding features -better Gunplay -Vanilla setting -Group System -3 civilian guns
Have you ever heard about HRDP server? A Namalsk vanilla [1PP] PVP Server with more crafting, aim, global effect sounds. Don't wait any longer come to A3 ! to improve and increase fights...
Moded DayZ server, without traders
First Person Vanilla Server! Dedicated Admins and Developer into making this one of the best Vanilla + Servers! We want Quality of Life while still loving the joys of original vanilla gaming.