
- DE - SuchtBunker ] PvP [ Trader/Airdrop/No-Gas Zones

Dayz server

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Server Characteristics

43 votes
535 clicks

Server with public access


Welcome to SuchtBunker - your DayZ server for survivalists and adventurers!

Prepare yourself for a unique adventure! Our server offers you a variety of exciting challenges and innovative features:

  • Airdrop: Land exciting rewards straight from the sky!
  • Loot Chest: Discover hidden treasures for additional equipment.
  • TB Real Estate: Use a vanilla house as a home, equipped with an alarm system and inventory.
  • Virtual Garage: Manage your vehicles in a group garage.
  • Auto Lock Vehicles: Your vehicles and helicopters are automatically locked to ensure security.
  • Banking: Use group accounts and experience exciting ATM raids.
  • Spawn System: Set your sleeping bag as a spawn point and start directly in your base.
  • CannabisPlus: Become a master grower.
  • GasMasksOnly: No more need for a full protective suit - just use a gas mask with integrated filter.

Our dedicated admin team ensures that all rules are respected and a fair, respectful gaming environment is maintained. We work hard to give you the best experience on our server!

Join our community and experience DayZ on a whole new level!


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