
[GER/ENG] DayZ, the next Generation. O-RP PVPVE

Dayz server

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290 clicks

Server with public access


Free to play, without registration.

You can find our Server Rules on our Discord Server.


The "Dayz, the next Generation" story follows the Dayz Vanilla story chronologically. What does that mean? The Armageddon that caused almost all human beings to mutate into bloodthirsty undead happened a few years ago. The survivors are organizing themselves and trying to lead a somewhat normal life again. They have set up safe zones. There is money and traders. Goods are regaining value. And yes, there are premium products again.Start as a survivor and try to survive. More than that, try to survive and live WELL. Make money, build a base. Set up your home. How about a fancy sports car or a great helicopter in your base?For more Informations, press in the game the button "b" or join our Discord Server.


 Feel the pure Dayz feeling:

  • PvPvE, authentic survival environment.
  • Safe bases. No raiding with explosives.
  • AI controlled safe zones.
  • AI military and bandits.
  • Organic roleplay. Decide: play as survivor, bandit or as police officer without registration.
  • Rob gas stations or our bank in the safe zone of Chernogorsk.
  • Money, traders, blackmarket.
  • Redfalcon helis and boats.
  • Premium Cars, Taxis and Police Cars / Helis.
  • Oilric and keycard island. Keycard system.
  • Drugs, cannabis cultivation.
  • Airdrops without notifications.
  • Heavy weapons.
  • Wild animals, dogs.
  • Open Field, inhouse and underground basebuilding, codelock.
  • Mining system with ores and gems.
  • Diving gear and under water exploration, loot chests.
  • Mutant zombies and hordes.
  • Trucks and towing mechanism.
  • Gaming Casino.
  • Caves.
  • Reputation system.
  • Fair play: Active admins. Transparent information about the admin right management.
  • Ban system for unfair gamers / cheaters.
  • Information system. Press in the Game the Button “b” (ENG).


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