
[HRDP] Hardcore Realistic Dayz PVP #Vanilla/GAUSS/1PP/Namalsk

Dayz server

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810 votes
2737 clicks

Server with public access


An entirely vanilla Namalsk server and an attentive staff !!

Taking into general vision of the server: “ Keep the vanilla Dayz that we all love ! ”
Let yourself be tempted by an extraordinary adventure on this server with diverse loot. Some new clothing, equipment and refined loot areas will make your own adventure on our server an experience that you will not find anywhere else.

Some modes add a touch of realism, notably by adding sounds to vanilla interactions such as using a sharpening stone or a gun repair kit.
You will distinguish the clothes frictions of bandits who track you when they aiming !
A faint but audible noise with a single goal : “ Energize the fights in the heart of high interest areas ! ”

Mappings will be added to those already present in order to beautify certain essential panoramic viewpoints of the Namalsk map as we all know it!

To facilitate the distribution of interresting loots, you will also have the possibility of finding crates or chests that could be opened with a modded key, a lockpick or even with a crowbar or a sledgehammer, be careful don't damage the equipments..!

All of those strongs points make our server; your server !
Player's suggestions and opinions are important for us. So don’t wait any longer and join us on Discord! 


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