Let the chance choose for you, and discover random Dayz servers classified randomly by our hands.
Come check out MFDayZ, a hardcore survival DayZ server with a unique progression system, focus on PVP and AI driven quests, patrols, roadblocks and events.
Deer Isle | Party system | and more fun!
Testing server. Not accessible to public
Vanilla , no rules - Dedicated server with 64GB RAM - 500mb/s private bandwidth -
Full PvE || Missions || Hardcore || Limited Trader || Black Market || Cars+ || Loot +
We are a DayZ PvE community running 4 maps, dedicated to have fun and keep it as entertaining to our players as possible.
High FPS & Really good ping Cars Group system (5max) Loot Chests Heli Crashes Toxic Zones and just a lot more coming soon
[GER/ENG] Paradize PvE+PvP Trader | Custom++ | Loot++ | FPS++
Explore custom cars, RFFS helis, unique locations like oil rigs and bunkers, advanced crafting and recycling, mining, radiation zones, DNA keycards, custom zombies, Med Plus, and upcoming quests.
> PNW map winter ⛄️ > Tarkov Medic/Gear/Quest/IA > AirDrop/KeyCard > 5 Man Groupe Max > Tapper 408/50 ???? > BBP ⚒️ > BM/SZ/Gold BM > French/English server > Expansions Mods > OPEN...