
Valning True PvE

Dayz server

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73 votes
755 clicks

Server with public access


Valning True PvE with Custom Missions!

Valning is a beautiful map with alot of military bases and water surroundings. There is no Raiding here. We hold PvP events only at our Fight Lsland Cage location and in the KillHouse (Remade from COD4)

We are a relax play style community based on building awesome bases and having fun. You spawn at our Freshy Welcome Center/Hotel where you can find a room and donation gear to help you begin your journeys! The map is filled with great loot and I mean filled. We have Airdrops and Mission Rewards if looting isnt your thing there is many ways to make money! We are looking to expand the community and find more people to come play on the server with us. We just implemented a new PvE mod that allows us to create zones for pvp events only. We will be doing many things like boxing matches or 1v1/2v2 tourneys in the future! We have boats like Yachts, Power Boats, Fishing Boats ect. We have 50+ fish to catch between saltwater and freshwater! We have many vehicles from the gunter all the way to military bases on wheels. We have helicopters of many kinds with many skins as well. Also great hunting whether it be vanilla animals or things you dont normally see like Otter, Rabbit, Seagulls, Ravens, Snakes, Rats and more. Missions have you hunting down up to Tier 5 Bear and Wolf like Toxic or Radioactive types. We have many wild Mutants of all kinds and sizes for a real PvE Experience. Many traders from basic to black market and even a Mutant Hunter Trader to sell your Mutant parts you gather on your journey! Come join us and team up to fight off all these monsters and settle down and build a beautiful base somewhere using BBP and Blacks interiors/Barrels/Chests to furnish and decorate it! Hope to see you all soon!

Valning True PvE

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Server Port: 34000


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