Easily find a PVP Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our list of Dayz servers. Or just add your own for become famous!
Join the Chernarus server first to Maplink to Sakhal! Despair is a hardcore PvE survival server with PvP zones and a unique selection of mods to bring a fresh perspective on survival on Chernarus...
DayZ server with balanced mods that don't kill the game's vibe.
Vanilla+ - Codelocks - Groups Max 8 - 1pp - AutoRun
Welcome to CryptKeepersDayZ, We are a gaming community with servers, events , giveaways and much more! Come check us out on our discord , where we talk and hangout the most!
Welcome to our modded DayZ Server Economy: Between Medium & Hard The server is Hosted in Germany
Rejoignez GolmonCity aujourd'hui et découvrez l'excitation d'une survie en constante évolution.
Hey there! If you're looking for a noob friendly/PvP loving community on a map full of secrets and having the thrill of dangers lurking around the corner whether or not if it’s Zeds or...
A bunker with flying planes event, events that are ufo that sucks you up and kills you if you get too close, plane crashes that appear in and out like heli crashes. Friendly admins who teach.Raid...
Welcome to the fresh wipe of DeathZone UK! You can now start as equal as everyone else! DZUK has been wiped 3-4 days ago so you won't lose anything as a headstart.