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1000x Livonia is a Spawn at Loot Shacks fast paced pvp console server
1000x is a fast paced kill on sight PVP server for Xbox
Hey there! If you're looking for a noob friendly/PvP loving community on a map full of secrets and having the thrill of dangers lurking around the corner whether or not if it’s Zeds or...
-Trader with and without safezone. -Custom Military and also other modded Areas. -Loot/Weapon ++ -Cars/Helis+ -Koth, Airdrops, -Custom Toxic zones -Only Door raid (C4) possible only on weekends.
Server from the creator of BearIsland which is a DayZ map base on a location in Finland, with a lot of islands to explore.
A brand new custom 163 sq km map created only hosted by us for now. Based upon the isle of man, uk. Plenty to see and do here, easter egg hunt end game and plenty of poi.
Сервачок над яким я тужився багато часу та нервів ))) Сервак ПВП на якому є монстри, тварюки, боти, та усіляке...
Добро пожаловать на проект Diamond Vanila++! У нас вы найдете основные моды для комфортной игры, такие как : -PartyMod;...
New player friendly, also challenging for those seasoned players. Chernarus+ Map, with custom areas. Make money hunting and growing vegetables, or you can collect guns and sell for a good profit...
A First Person server with a strong focus on raiding and PVP. We are a new server