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Howdy, just want to give you all a teaser of what we have to offer in our city... QBCore Economy Custom Scripts Custom Vehicles Custom Maps/Interiors Custom EUP/Addon Clothes Player Owned...
Welcome to So Cal DOJ RP | V3.0 QBCore Server
Chicago Based RP
A realistic truck sim built for GTA5/FiveM.
Cool wips
RP-Erfahrung Geistige Reife Freunde mit denen du gerne spielst Gute Wirtschaft Aktives Serverteam Aktive Community 70% Selfmade-Scripts / 30% Paid-Scripts
FiveM: Revolutionäre Perfomance. Kein Pay-to-Win. Open Beta Aufbauphase. Crime RP, Drogenrouten. Legale Jobs, eigene Unternehmen. Regelmäßige Events. Wünsche? Besuche uns!
Falcon city RP is not associated with or supported by Take-Two, Rockstar North Interactive, or any other rights holder. All trademarks used are the property of their respective owners.