We list here the latest Myth of Empires servers by date of registration on the ranking. They are ranked from the most recent to the oldest.
PVE, All Welcome, don't Be an ass!
- Cluster mode - Gathering of plant, stone, mineral and animal resources PVE x5 PVPx10
A Busy Myth Of Empires PVP server hosted in the EU, 30x gathering 10x crafting. Join and claim your starter kits. Active Admins and Members and a donation shop full of goodies to enhance your game.
Season Points and Exclusive Items Weekly Rewards Prefectures (2 PVE & 1 PVP) = 3 Counties Official County Battles, Prefecture Battles, Fortress Battles, and Market. Discord Giveaway & Auction...
Map: (Dongzhou) Player weight increase 5x Recipe Starting Points 150x Plant, Stone and Ore Gathering & Crop 2x Faster Crafting
Dedicated high-speed server, balanced rates, active and responsive admin, engaging weekly events, rules in place to safeguard against new spawns and frequent raids