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Join Gibberish 10x PVE!! Your favorite rust server!! (Even if you dont know it yet!) ➤ Monthly Full Wipes ➤ Backpacks (Sizes are linked to you Might level!) ➤ Events (Raidable bases,...
[EU] Rustalia x10 Main No BPs Connect: client.connect Max clan size: 6 [EU] Rustalia x10 Solo/Duo/Trio No BPs Connect: client.connect Max clan size: 3
The decay has been set to 50%, and new players are welcome! Please give us a shout on discord for any issues, or concerns. If You need an admin in-game please just type !admin in chat, and we will...
RustyBee X5 | wipe every Thursday at 5 p.m. and Monday at 5 p.m. and on forced Max Group size 6 Tier 1 Unlocked All gather rate are 5x No night Clan system Custom loot drops Custom vending machine...
The Rusting Dead -Hardcore -No Map UI -Max Group 3 -Gather Rate 0.5X -Monthly Wipes -Scarce Loot -Discord.gg/YYQbjwfzty, -IP:
Welcome to SweRust PvE! A new way to experience Rust in PvE!
Serveur PVP - Staff actif Protection nouveaux arrivants 24h ...
Welcome to Rust Redefined Half Smelt & Crafting Speeds 3x Gather Rates Level 1 Workbench Blueprints Unlocked Custom Raid Times Custom Events For PVP Action Junk Items Removed from Loot Tables Noob...