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Survive against The Walking Dead - Conquer the wild, annihilate the zombies or be conquered. Join now for a thrilling adventure on a custom map like never before!
This server is being setup for testing purposed to be used in a promotional video that promotes your products and another service that promotes the use of your products.
EN | FR | RU : PVE server. Max clan size 15, Maxi Gather And Loot, Itemperk , Cash, Shop and NPC Trader, Virtual quarry…
RustX 5x Monthly PvE - Description Coming Soon!
Welcome to EuroPlayZone! Explore, Connect, Conquer, Customize. Join us today for the ultimate gaming adventure!
VANILLA Rates • 25% Upkeep • Shared BPs • Minis Spawn on Roads Clean Loot • 10 Minute Crates • 10 Minute Nights • NO FOG • Map Voting Recyclers on Rigs/Cargo/Dome/Large Fishing •...
Recrutement de staff sous condition minimum 72h d'activité pour avoir des staff sous acceptation du staff aides aux joueurs autorisés ! Serveur bonne enfant sans prise de tête.
A experience of Rust Full PVE A tranzition from PVe to PVP experience
Serveur Communautaire Francophone - Vanilla - Team Max 5 Wipe quand serveur vide ou à faible joueurs. Wipe Obligatoire : 1er Jeudi du mois. Admin présent, grief interdit.