
[DE|EU] LootGaming | Vanilla | Anfängerfreundlich

Rust server

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n°234 0

Server Characteristics

21 votes
753 clicks

Server with public access


Max. 2 VAC or Game Ban!
Group max size 4.
Daily Restart at 6am (UTC+1/Berlin)

Upkeep 50%

● Raid times: 2pm to 0am - Raid must be completed by 1am.(UTC+1/Berlin)

● Griefing is forbidden. (Take only what you need from the boxes, don't throw anything on the ground to make it despawn!)

● It is forbidden to camp in front of a Base for more than 30 minutes without the intention to raid it.

● Group max size 4. This also includes that no group larger than 4 players can roam the map together.

Last Wipe: 22.04
Next Wipe: 29.04 - 18 Uhr / 6pm (UTC+1/Berlin) (Full-Wipe)
Owner: Chiko
Admin: Lenny


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