
EU GodsOfEgypt-Nefertiti PVE x3 Random Events

Rust server

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26 votes
552 clicks

Server with public access



                                         To Gods of Egypt Nefertiti PVE

                                     -    Lots of fun! everything  X3    -

                                     - ( You need to play to have x3)  -


                                             ~~   (  /Skills = x3  ) ~~

                                                       ~Stay Alive ~

                        In game type  /INFO for more info about server ! 


Raid base /  Raidme / Convoy / SkillTree / Skinbox  / BaseSkin / 

Multiple Stack / Backpacks  / Crates Event / Multi Event  / Remove Tool 

 /  HorseNPC / Zombie Boss / Water Event / Submarine event / Shop /

 Sputnik / Train Event / Jump with parashute / SnowMan / TC Upgrade

 Tug Event  

                             *And many more in the way ! See /INFO


                                 *Auto Restart every morning at 06:00*



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