
Green Bean - US | Monthly | 25% Upkeep | Noob Friendly

Rust server

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n°110 2

Server Characteristics

6 votes
517 clicks

Server with public access


Welcome to Green Bean - US | Monthly!

VANILLA Rates • 25% Upkeep • Minis Spawn on Roads

10 Minute Crates • 10 Minute Nights • Shared BPs • Clean Loot
NO FOG • Recyclers on Oil Rigs/Cargo/Dome/Large Fishing

Wipe Schedule

                                                                         Map - Monthly @ 3PM CST on Force

                                                                         BPs - Every Other Month @ 3PM CST on Force

                                                                         Daily Server Restarts @ 4AM CST


                                                                         No hacking / scripting

                                                                         No intentional exploit / bug abuse

                                                                         No ban evading

                                                                         No racism

                                                                         No more than 1 VAC Ban

                                                                         No more than 2 Game Bans

                                                                         No less than 365 days since last VAC/Game Ban

Active non-playing Admin

                                                                         Discord: https://discord.gg/TR9kMYe3hp

                                                                         Full Rules: #rules channel on Discord


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Reviews list of the server

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Server staff

« I have played every wipe on this server so far and it has been GREAT! It has a great core group of players and the admin is very responsive. I look forward to many more wipes here! »
Server staff

« Great super chill vanilla server. Perfect for new or experienced players. Small quality of life changes, active responsive admin, clean discord. 100% worth checking out »