
TreasureRust WITH PRIZES 10x Solo/Duo/Trio |

Rust server

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Server Characteristics

2 votes
904 clicks

Server with public access


Welcome to TreasureRust 10x Solo/Duo/Trio


Wipe every Sunday!

BP Wipe first sunday each month!

Max Team size: 3

Our Unique mode:

We want to fullfill your wishes to explore and extract treasures within the Rust World.

A Treasure never comes without a prize. 

Therefor if you are able to hold the highest amount of treasure, until the next wipe. The PRIZE will be rewarded to you.

The treasure for this period 3/8 -> 13/8  is "Baseball Cap"

Prizes could be:

VIP (coming soon)

VIP+ (coming soon)

Premium after-wipe Pack

Ressource Pack

Cash prize

More to come.


TP | Clans | Day/Night time | Betterloot | Instantcraft | Kits | Quicksmelt | 

Stacksizecontroller | Gathermanager | Recyclerspeed | Vote Rewards |[/center]


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