
World Gamers PvE

Rust server

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Server Characteristics

57 votes
1880 clicks

Server with public access


(Potato Friendly Server)

Welcome to a fun exciting PvE server with a great community of people from all over the world.

Don't type in English or vice versa? No worries we have chat translators so you can chat with everyone.

We also have many events happening all over the map as well to keep you entertained.

We also have many reconfigured, and custom plugins that only we have here for you to enjoy.

3x buffed heli that's rocket happy, (Invincible community heli tower, and a town open to the public) 


Raidable Bases, Defendable bases, Convoy, Armored Train, Airfield Event, Guarded Crates, Air Event, plus many more..

With Easy, Medium, Hard, & Expert Raidable Bases that all of our players built, with lots of loot for you to enjoy.

Skinbox, Backpacks, Enhanced Hammer, Furnace Code Locks, Make un-craftables, Use or make all DLC Items,

Teleportation, Kits, personal recycler, personal Vehicles, Scrap ATM (that never gets wiped), Quests, Skill Tree,

Spotlights on the mini copters, plus many more for everyone to use.

The /info is very detailed for any issue or commands you might need

50 min days, 10 min nights. with ACTIVE FUN ADMINS. 

New to rust? Don't hesitate to ask we were all a noob once. 

170 tweaked, and custom built plugins designed for a smooth lag free experience for your enjoyment 

Check out our plugins page for more at /info in game.. 

Friendly down to earth 18+ with friendly players that love to have fun without killing each other.

Updates posted in our discord to keep you up to date on what's going on, and changes.

USA New York server 24-7 uptime nightly restart at 1am Est.

Monthly BP, and Map wipes. Map voting on our Discord 

Discord link: https://discord.gg/9hkZpFTdu8


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