Easily find a Scum server on Top-Games thanks to our Scum server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
Freedom of speech. PVP. Bot Shop. Noob Friendly. Active Admin. No mechs. x5 skills and loot. Server-building polls. ORP
Max Loot, No mechs, pvp/pve, No bot shop, Roleplay Options(zone coming soon), Active admins
PVP|Traders|Base Building|Tournaments|Survival|MechON|Zombies|5X Loot
Mechs on. Bot Shop. High puppet count and they hit hard. Great community
- Normal Cars spawn. - 20x Loot. - Mechs. - Mechs Damage (3x). - Wandering Hordes. - Max Puppets. - Puppets Damage (3x). - 14 Days cars despawn. - Increased Air-Drop rate.
1 Strefa PVE, Budowanie w bunkrach/militarkach wyłączone, cała mapa PVP oprócz Z3 Skille : x 1.5 Loot: x 2 Zbalansowana liczba puppetów oraz zbalansowane bunkry , handlarze. pojazdy Cargo...
5x loot/PvP/PvE/Active Admins/Admin run In game trader/nightmare week=mechs enabled
A couple of mates trying to create a PVE server with pvp areas, most major areas are pvp to make getting loot harder. Damage is on Mechs are off. Puppets are slightly turned up No Welcome...
LOOT x5 EXP x5 WelcomePack + Daily available No Mechs NO Discord Botshop Offline Raid Protrection max 15h (2hours delay) Newbie Raid Protection via Ticketsystem (3days) squadlimit: 8-10 black...
Disabled damage Disabled damage to player bases. Disabled hacking of player's crafting locks. Disabled Mecks