

Scum server

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Server Characteristics

14 votes
863 clicks

Server with public access


- PvP, RP & Safe Zones -

This is a RP & PVP server.

PvP zones are (Z0 - Z4) and killing other players is allowed in these zones.

RP zones require adherence to the RP sector rules listed in rp-sector-rules.

- Lockpicking -

Lockpicking is allowed in PvP and RP zones.

- Killing -

No Kill On Sight in RP zones.

You can only kill in RP to defend yourself or if another player does not comply during your RP interaction. Once an individual is asked to put their "hands up" any aggressive move or attempt to escape will allow the aggressor to take appropriate action. This means the aggressor may choice to shoot their capture in the leg or kill them. Pointing a gun at someone is an aggressive act and would be deemed the beginning of the "RP" situation. If a gun is pointed at you either draw your gun or surrender. This is a value your life server.

Value your life.

Scenario: If four people come up to you with guns drawn you should value your life and comply. If you choose to run or fight the aggressors may kill you. If you are in a vehicles you may try to escape the situation, However, the aggressor may shoot at you once they have asked you to pull over. Remember you may try to fight back but it may cost your life.

Any reported murder, attempted murder, robbery, or attempted robbery in RP zones will put a bounty on the aggressor.

During an RP encounter, any person that is killed can not return to the scene of their death for 30min.

All RP interactions must be recorded by the aggressor!

 - POIs -

No building at or blocking off a Points of Interest (POI), including roads, RR tracks & tunnels, airstrips, gas stations, gun stores, workshops with drill presses, mechanic garages, bunkers, WWII bunkers and high loot areas.

Anyone found in violation will be given a short notice before base elements and items are destroyed. 

You can not build a wall around a town or city. There is plenty of land. Find a spot and build your house.

[8:10 PM]

- Squads -

Squad size is based on intelligence

1.0 allows 4 squad members

2.0 allows 5 squad members

3.0 allows 6 squad members

4.0 allows 7 squad members

5.0 allows 8 squad members

- Flags -

Each squad may only have one flag per sector of the map.

Excessive bases will be warned and potentially removed after notice.

Do not takeover, claim or capture another person's flag.

Base raids are allowed as long as RP rules are followed.

Remember this server does have police. If you need the police type 911 in the global chat with your location.

- Explosives and Traps -

C4 is only allowed in PvP zones.

Mines and traps are only allowed within base walls.

- Vehicles -

Players are prohibited from owning more than 2 uninsured vehicles in the categories of cars, bikes and boats.

Each squad has a maximum of 15 vehicles at any given time. Beyond this will be considered vehicle hoarding.

If your vehicle is insured, it must be destroyed to receive a replacement.

- Garages -

It is against the law to have heavy armor on your vehicle. Your car would be impounded and You will have to pay $1,000 to get your car from the impound. Repeat offenders may face jail time. This is not a server violation, but it is against the police law.

Do not lock garages in cities and towns. Your locks will be removed if an admin sees this.

- In-Game Events -

You must get clearance from an admin to participate in in-game events. This is to prevent unfair killing of players in the town of the event.

- Looting Bodies, Chests, and Bases -

Looting is allowed on this server

In RP zones, looting is restricted to cash, guns, and ammo. You can not take their bank card or remote door openers, unless the person being looted died within RP rules. In that case, their killer can take everything on their person.


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