
Last Rights Roleplay

Scum server

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1 votes
613 clicks

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Welcome to Last Rights Roleplay. Last rights is a gameshow that has taken over an Island with zero regard to the residents living within. With Tec 01's help they took over the Island set up bunkers and safe zones forcing those that once called the Island home off and homeless but did they get everyone? With this RP adventure the choice is yours are you someone that lived here and managed to hide? or are you a criminal sent here for you final chance at life? or maybe you managed to sneak onto the Island and figure out what's going on here for yourself. Only thing for sure known is Tec 01 is up to something and can not be trusted. What will you find within there facilities? but if you feel you must find out you may wish the rogue mechs will get you cause if Tec 01 catches you using there equipment or looking around there facilities it just may be worse then what those mechs would do.

Server specialties: Video Hacking to gain knowledge of coming or past events if you succeed(Discord tool), Job roles including but not limited to Mayor, police, doctors, cooks, farmers ext.

Active Tec 01 soldiers(staff story positions)

No wipe seasons: we plan to never wipe the server UNLESS its needed.

Mayor of your town? make some laws. need gear for new officers and doctors make an order to Tec 01 and your shipment will be drone delivered or Tec 01 official.


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