
The White Death

Scum server

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6 votes
1748 clicks

Server with public access


The White Death, inspired by Simo Häyhä, offers a bunch of fun for you and your friends! The admins are super invested in the server, and we try to make it the best out there. We offer a PVP experience with PVE zones (One is a sector, the other is an island), Roleplay elements, such as in game shops and events, Being able to build almost anywhere on the map (with exceptions like bunkers and military installations), Medium amount of loot (3x) to balance fun - you won't be stacked within the first day on the island, very detailed in game shops connected to discord - you'll find the traders menus there, high probability of zombies inside and outside buildings and in wild, and max amount of cars.

The server is recently started, and we're currently pretty low on number of players, however we already have common players. This server will evolve as time goes, and we have only scratched the surface of possibilities. We do not offer discord bot services as we believe this ruins the fun of the game. You physically need to go to shops and events. We also have a dope concept event running as of this posts date, where the big cartel of el Profesor have taken over a compound, and you need to get in to grab the precious loot inside. This and much more is what we can offer at "The White Death". At least give it a try fella!

THE WHITE DEATH SCUM SERVER PROVIDING: * PVP[PVE] - One PVE sector(B4) and island(Z4). * RAIDING OFFLINE - We don’t think being raided is fun - losing everything you’ve done, may put you on the brakes. Raiding will be enabled during some rare events. * ACTIVE ADMINS - Admins can be reached on our discord. * DETAILED INGAME SHOP - NO BOT, we have a highly detailed menu of the different shops of traders in our discord. However to purchase/sell you will need to physically be at the shop location. * MID RATE LOOT - 3x loot, we want newcomers/common players to get some loot. You’re able to sell, so you gotta be able to find. * HIGH RATE OF ZOMBIES - Zombies are fun. Yes, they can be a pain in the butt without the right equipment, so make sure you’re fit for fight! * FREE BUILD - We love to build everywhere, and want anyone to be able to claim their own house, apartment, or whatever catches your eye (with exceptions). * FUN EVENTS - we launch events regularly like (Prebuild cartel compound raids, high risk -high reward events, infected (PvE zones will be infected by PVP), and more. All up to our creativity.
* KILL FEED - This will be shown in discord. * MAX CARS - You’ll most definitively find yourself a whip. * DISCORD - This is where we put out information about events, shops, announcements, the server, the rules, etc.https://discord.gg/ZQdndfu2Js General info: Currently we have a low player count on the server as our main focus. Events are funnier, the game experience is funnier if we get more common players. The server is new (created mid-January), so people have not yet settled properly. We do have people regularly playing, but they may want to go PVP, which we currently solve with events against us admins. If you’re interested in building our community from scratch please consider joining our amazing server scumbag! We’ll take care of ya!


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