
AWLGaming Souls|120 Slots|PvE|NO WIPE discord.gg/awlgaming

Soulmask server

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Server Characteristics

97 votes
1465 clicks

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Server with public access


Daily restarts at 4AM UTC

➽ Game mode is PvE ➽ 120 player slots ➽ 2x harvest, logging, mining and slaughtering ➽ 2x PvE damage dealt ➽ 0.5x PvE damage taken ➽ 1.5x XP rate ➽ 1.5x crafting speed ➽ 1.5x hatching speed ➽ Slower Bonfire decay and fuel consumption rates ➽ No loot drop on death (TP's at player's feet on respawn)
-➤ Use only English in the public chat channels. -➤ Respect each other. -➤ No offensive nicknames. -➤ Do not block entrances to public areas and ruins


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