Easily find a Fun Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our list of Dayz servers. Or just add your own for become famous!
PC|France based(English spoken Server!)|Chernarus+ Specs : 40 Slots/Extreme machine/Nvme/Highest Prio' Unique one of a kind "Community Center" : Traders Camp A.R.C.C missions/quests.. a new Bunker...
Welcome to our modded DayZ Server Economy: Between Medium & Hard The server is Hosted in Germany
Hey there! If you're looking for a noob friendly/PvP loving community on a map full of secrets and having the thrill of dangers lurking around the corner whether or not if it’s Zeds or...
-Trader with and without safezone. -Custom Military and also other modded Areas. -Loot/Weapon ++ -Cars/Helis+ -Koth, Airdrops, -Custom Toxic zones -Only Door raid (C4) possible only on weekends.
SurvivorZ open the 27 september , trader, ATM,heli,car, 300k ….. joint discord
Dayz Roleplay PC server set in 1970's Alt history. Custom equipment tailored to sute the servers history and time period. Game masters for running events and tailored RP for groups and players.
Brand new server! MOD LIST: BBP,Basic Map,BodyBags,BuilderItems,BuildEverywhere,CarCover,CF,Code Lock,Community Online Tools,Crocos Quadbike,Dabs Framework,Dayz Expansion...
!!New!! DarkestDayZ =OMNICIDAL= has 6 player groups,weekend raiding,flea market,extractions, quests. =OMNICIDAL= is a more traditional PVP experience with the most balanced ballistics in DayZ...
Check out our website at ExPVE.com!
Hi friends, Here you will find a lot of interesting new weapons and equipment, as well as some mods for your own base! And something for Stalker fans, you won't find traders and safe zones here!...