Easily find a Fun Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our list of Dayz servers. Or just add your own for become famous!
We are a Dayz PvE community. Our community consists of No KoS No Base Raids or Damage Custom Cars, Helis, Wepons and More Weekend Events Head on Over for some enjoyable Gameplay.
A server constantly improving with stable hosting (OVH server paid annually)! If you're looking for a server that's neither too difficult nor too easy, you're in the right place!
DayZ Namalsk Server
2 servers in 1, active admins, Chernarus is full PVP, deer isle is pve with pvp zones. You can teleport between them. Lots to do. Lots of cars, and helis. Wipes are very infrequent.
DayZ Romania vanilla server survival , hardcore , pvp , pve , comunitate , dayz romania standalone server , dayz romania , dayz standalone ro , dayz sa romania , vanilla+ , vanillaplus , nomods
A strong focus on intense organic pvp, survival and challenging game play we combine the raw beauty of Bitterroot and with vanilla vibes.
Join Our Brand New HolyDayZ Server!
DANGER! Enter at your own risk! No liability is accepted for property damage or physical damage ;-)... have fun!
events: koth/airdrops/helicrashes/(soon) keycards busy with it darkhorde mods:snafu weapons/morty...
Join [INFECTED-ORIGINALZ] for intense PvP action! Featuring Base Building Plus, Military Mod Gear, 50K starting loadout, and 24/7 raiding. Dive in now!"