Let the chance choose for you, and discover random Dayz servers classified randomly by our hands.
We have unique mods and zones to enhance your game experience alongside constant development of new content, our main goal is to provide an Hardcore experience with a long term progression!
events: koth/airdrops/helicrashes/(soon) keycards busy with it darkhorde mods:snafu weapons/morty...
Welcome to InvictuZ: Striking the right balance between Vanilla and Mods. Not overwhelming, loaded with Quality of Life features, AI zones, and a weekly Raid Scheduler. Plus, enjoy Third Person...
> PNW map winter ⛄️ > Tarkov Medic/Gear/Quest/IA > AirDrop/KeyCard > 5 Man Groupe Max > Tapper 408/50 ???? > BBP ⚒️ > BM/SZ/Gold BM > French/English server > Expansions Mods > OPEN...
Benvenuto nel fantastico mondo di Imperius In questo server potrai divertirti con 26 Mod
High Loot, Koth, Airdrop, Loot Sectioned by Tier. Map Customised, custom loot table
MODS: BaseBuildingPlus, CF, Cl0uds military gear, Code Lock, Mortys Weapons, VanillaPlusPlusMap, VPPAdminTolls
Hardcore Vanilla server, just basics, basic trader, no map
Deer Isle | Party system | and more fun!
DANGER! Enter at your own risk! No liability is accepted for property damage or physical damage ;-)... have fun!