Let the chance choose for you, and discover random Dayz servers classified randomly by our hands.
Welcome to our DayZ server! We offer a thrilling survival experience for players looking for a challenging adventure.
Start in Chernarus, then travel to Namalsk and back for more challenges and enhanced loot, Hardcore Survival, PvE with PvP locations, server/player traders, RaG, increased Infected and animal spawns
We are a DayZ PvE community running 4 maps, dedicated to have fun and keep it as entertaining to our players as possible.
A bunker with flying planes event, events that are ufo that sucks you up and kills you if you get too close, plane crashes that appear in and out like heli crashes. Friendly admins who teach.Raid...
True Hardcore Survival PvE Dual-Map Server with an outstanding Community | PVP-Zones | AirDrops | BBP | Custom Zombies | More Gear & Guns | Dark Horde | Toxic Zones
DeathMatch server where all the action happens in Kamyshovo. You spawn with a single gun and then run for Tents, Barrels, Chests for your chouse of vanilla gun. In game KillFeed, stats, web and...
-Trader with and without safezone. -Custom Military and also other modded Areas. -Loot/Weapon ++ -Cars/Helis+ -Koth, Airdrops, -Custom Toxic zones -Only Door raid (C4) possible only on weekends.
Mydayz server IS coming back with tins of news stuff
We have unique mods and zones to enhance your game experience alongside constant development of new content, our main goal is to provide an Hardcore experience with a long term progression!