Easily find a PVP Rust server on Top-Games thanks to our list of Rust servers. Or just add your own for become famous!
VANILLA Rates • 25% Upkeep • Shared BPs • Minis Spawn on Roads Clean Loot • 10 Minute Crates • 10 Minute Nights • NO FOG • Map Voting Recyclers on Rigs/Cargo/Dome/Large Fishing •...
Atomic Rust | Solo/Duo/Trio/Quad | Monthly Map and BP Wipe! Mini Copter Spawn on Roads! commands to help out with small things in game. Kits for basic defense and building. None playing Admins!
No killing, stealing, or raiding of other players in no KOS zones.
[EU] Rustaris Vanilla | 13/2 | Fairplay | Pure Vanilla
A experience of PVP integrated with PVE
Thursday weekly map wipe 16:00 CEST- Team Max: 8 players - No BPs, Instant Craft - Clan, Auth Share, Teleport, Homes
WELCOME! We are a PVE server with PVP with over 150 plug-ins to enhance your gaming needs.
Banditland.EU PVP Vanilla Biweekly Welcome to the Banditland community! This is one of our PVP servers with a group size of max 2 players.
Welcome to RustyNutz 100x NoBP's! ✦ 【 Scrap-Based Offline Raid Protection! 】 ✦ 【 ━► Can still be Raided ◄━ 】✦ 【 NO VAC or Game Bans! 】 ✦ 【 Press ESC then View Webpage...
[EU] Rustaris 10x | 13/2 | ALL BPS | PVP | Shop | Kits | Loot+